Cyber-Physical Systems
Project maintained by titech-cps
Hosted on GitHub Pages — Theme by mattgraham
Course description and aims
A cyber-physical system (CPS) is a collection of computational entities that communicate with one other and interact with the physical world via sensors and actuators. Such systems are omnipresent today, from automobiles to smart cities. In this course, basic concepts, theory, and issues of cyber-physical systems are examined. The course aims to ensure that students not only grasp the concepts, but also obtain basic skills to formally model and verify cyber-physical systems.
Student learning outcomes
By the end of the course students should be able to:
- explain the basic concepts of cyber-physical systems, reactive systems, synchronous/asynchronous computation models, dynamical systems, timed model, and hybrid systems.
- have an understanding of safety/liveness properties of synchronous/asynchronous computation models.
- have an understanding of the properties of dynamical systems, timed model, and hybrid systems.
Cyber-Physical Systems, Reactive Systems, Dynamical Systems, Timed Model, Hybrid Systems, Embedded Systems, Real-Time Systems, Verification, Reactive Programming, Actor Model
- Course Introduction, Concepts of Cyber-Physical Systems
- Synchronous Model (1): Concepts and Formalization
- Synchronous Model (1): Properties
- Safety Requirements and Verification
- Asynchronous Model (1): Concepts and Formalization
- Asynchronous Model (2): Properties
- Liveness Requirements and Verification
- Dynamical Systems (1): Concepts and Formalization
- Dynamical Systems (2): Properties and Verification
- Timed Models (1): Concepts and Formalization
- Timed Model (2): Properties
- Hybrid Systems (1): Concepts and Formalization
- Hybrid Systems (2): Properties
- Programming Models for CPS
- R. Alur, Principles of Cyber-Physical Systems, MIT Press, 2015.
Reference books, course materials, etc.
Course materials will be provided via the course website.
Assessment criteria and methods
- Assignment: 50%
- Final exam: 50%
- CSC.T251 : Automata and Formal Languages
- CSC.T371 : System Software
- CSC.T374 : Control Systems
- CSC.T422 : Mathematical Theory of Programs
Students must have successfully completed the related courses or have equivalent knowledge.